Thursday, August 1, 2013

You owe it to yourself
to live while you're alive.
To drink up the flavors of youth
and spread your magic everywhere
To be enamored by the fact that
you are here,
and not mistakenly so.
You were meant to be amazing,
and to know it by the way
you live your life.
We were meant to see your radiance
and feel its warmth touch our own lives,
encouraging our spirits to soar
Until we stop caring about not caring.

You have to give a shit
about yourself
us, the known, the unknown,
the Present,
Because you were put here
in Love.
You have no right to see yourself
as anything less than loved,
created in love, swathed in Love.
There's no such thing as wasting time
Just wasting life
and wasting love.

Dare to spread lies and rumors about your unending worth.
Put on your acting hat
and live a grand love affair of fantasies
that lift you up,
until one day, you realize they were always true.
That you can achieve and blossom
and that your dreams hold value
because they came from you,
a product of Love.

Fake it until you make it.

You can't afford anything less

than your best self
and neither can we.
You, unique, holy, sacred, held
and blessed to perfection
because you are who you were created to be.

Devour every moment that permits your beauty
to seep into every pore
of every being
and every crevasse of every space.
Be so fabulous you might even faint.
(But no need to feint your fabulosity...)

Let us all refuse the tragedy of treasured misery
The petty marathon of woes
The stillness of lackluster perspective.
Let no one keep you in their pigpen
If they cannot cradle you in their heart.

Silence, laughter, breath, water, crickets, stars
Blackness, light
A twinkle in our bodily system
You've got the idea, right?

The Spanish Z

I find the softness of the Spanish Z so sensual.  The way, as a native English speaker, you anticipate a rough sound, like the buzz in "buzz," but instead find a beautiful S disguised as a Z is just...un pedazo of why I adore this language so much.  The contrast is alluring and charming, like actual proof of the different perspectives each culture has, demonstrated in the very strucutre of their languages.  Spanish is passionate and fiery, yet it's so lyrical and elegant.  Refined and musical.  Natural.  Hermoso.

Some Spanish words with a lovely soft Z:


Damn, I wish I could think of more.  It's always when I need to think of something specific that I can't.  I'm sure later on I'll realize all the others and feel tonta for not coming up with them earlier.  Oh well!